Why is my old dog barking at night suddenly?

Original Question: I have a 12-year-old Golden Retriever who has always slept in his crate with no problem. Suddenly he is barking the house down. Can you help? - Lila

Why is my old dog barking at night suddenly? Apr 26, 2018

Hi Lila,

Thanks for your inquiry.

When you start to exhibit senior dog behavior changes, it is time to consider a visit to your vet. A behavior change can be a sign of developing medical issues such as pain, neurologic disease or organ dysfunction. For example, a common cause in dogs, especially when it comes to sleeping and night-time behavior, is canine cognitive dysfunction – a condition comparable to dementia experienced by older humans. There are a multitude of treatment options for this condition, but it is important to investigate all possible causes of the behavior change first. Your vet can guide you further on what options would be best for your dog.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Kim Hester

Why is my old dog barking at night suddenly?
Article Name
Why is my old dog barking at night suddenly?
A behavior change can be a sign of developing medical issues such as pain, neurologic disease or organ dysfunction. A common cause in dogs, especially when it comes to sleeping and night-time behavior, is canine cognitive dysfunction – a condition comparable to dementia experienced by older humans.
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Healthcare for Pets
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