Why is my cat purring?

Original Question: What causes cats to purr? - Anonymous

Why is my cat purring? Apr 1, 2023

Purring is a normal cat behavior that stems from feelings of contentment, happiness, relaxation, and comfort. Sometimes, it’s a self-soothing mechanism triggered by stress, anxiety, fear, or pain.

Cat purring is also communication with humans or other animals. Kittens can purr when they’re only a few days old, and mother cats purr while nursing their young. Your cat may purr and make additional sounds if they’re trying to get your attention — for instance, if they’re hungry or eager to play.

Why is my cat purring?
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Why is my cat purring?
Purring is a normal cat behavior that stems from feelings of contentment, happiness, relaxation, and comfort.
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Healthcare for Pets
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