When do puppies lose their teeth?
Original Question: My dog's teeth have been falling out and it’s his jaw teeth. - Aakash

Hi Aakash,
Thanks for your question.
There is not a lot of information in your question so I cannot be that confident in the answers but I’ll give you some thoughts.
If your dog is a puppy and under the age of 6 months, they will have baby teeth spontaneously fall out. They are called deciduous teeth and this is normal to allow for the eruption of the adult teeth that come in just after them.
If your dog is over the age of 6 months and teeth are falling out, then this is some form of dental disease or oral condition that is serious. I would recommend you have the area examined by your veterinarian. If your dog is older and the tissue is looking unhealthy in there, it’s possible that an oral cancer could be developing and this will cause teeth to loosen and fall out. Geriatric small breed dogs do get dental disease bad enough that teeth will spontaneously fall out. Both require an appointment to discuss options.
I hope this helps.
Dr. Clayton Greenway

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