My puppy keeps eating his poop. How do I stop it?
Original Question: My 5-month-old Golden-Doodle just started his 3rd round Panacur and Flagyl for persistent Giardia. He has had diarrhoea off and on and is on the thin side but gaining weight. He is very active. I have been following all of the advice however I have a huge issue, my puppy eats his poop. I am diligent about watching him when he goes out but despite my best efforts there are just a few times I can't get to him to scoop in time! I'm sure this is why he is not getting better. Any suggestions? - Debbie

Hi Debbie,
If he is experiencing pica (eating things he shouldn’t), it could be related to the underlying infection. A potential diet change could help with consultation with your veterinarian. For dogs that do eat their stool, there are products out there in which you mix a powder into their food and it’s supposed to make it taste bad (as if they need to be convinced!). This may help deter him from eating it. If he is off leash, you could try walking him strictly on leash so you could scoop the poop faster or if off leash, work on his recall so he comes to you as soon as you call when he is done and gives you a chance to pick it up. Lastly, get the fecal re-checked and consider some additional blood tests for some intestinal or pancreatic digestive conditions.
I hope this helps!
Dr. Ryan Llera

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