My dog’s dewclaw was torn and there seems to be a bone spur or inflammation just above. What should my next steps be?

Original Question: I had contacted you previously about using CBD oil for my dog's pain. I’m now wondering if a visit to the groomer has caused Tucker’s ailment. I had picked him up after his session and he immediately vomited as we left the business and continued in the car. It was then I noticed his dewclaw had been ripped out. He continued to vomit for the next few hours and wasn’t himself. This was in November. I noticed that he started to struggle with the stairs and lying down shortly after. I started him on a raw food diet and glucosamine, as I didn’t put 2 and 2 together. I’m now wondering if there was some sort of injury as there seems to be a definite bone spur or inflammation just above the dewclaw. Could he have possibly torn a ligament or tendon? - Debbie

My dog’s dewclaw was torn and there seems to be a bone spur or inflammation just above. What should my next steps be? Aug 14, 2018

Hi Debbie,

Thanks for your question.

I really cannot say whether there was an injury or not. I can say that any dog that has arthritis or previous back pain could become painful again simply by moving their body in the wrong direction or sleeping in a position too long. I can’t say whether the visit to the groomer caused these symptoms. I’ve seen symptoms like this occur from a run in the park.

My recommendation is that you have your veterinarian thoroughly examine and palpate the spine and the limbs to evaluate for pain or inflammation. Radiographs would be a good next step and I would also suggest performing bloodwork and a urinalysis to assess liver and kidney function. Many medications used to treat musculoskeletal conditions can effect liver and kidney function so it is always advisable to get a sense of their function prior to considering and medical treatment.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Clayton Greenway

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