My dog keeps peeing on my couch. What is the cause and treatment?
Original Question: Dog trainers say dogs are not vindictive however recently whenever my 2 year old Dachshund is left on his own (only 20 minutes) he urinates on the couch and in the living room he’s not allowed in when we are at home. My vet recommended the Thunder Vest but that hasn’t made a difference. Could you offer me a suggestion please? Thank you. - Marlene
Hi Marlene,
If I’m understanding this correctly, your Dachshund is urinating in the house and on the couch when he is left alone. This sounds like a case of separation anxiety. As behavior is a complicated problem, there is no easy one-step solution. But before we can commit to this as a diagnosis, I would recommend getting a urinalysis done to help rule out medical problems, such as a UTI or bladder stones.
A vest/thunder shirt for dogs can be a part of behavior modification therapy but on it’s own it likely won’t work. Behavioral modification can be a long, involved process and requires commitment on your part. Many people are afraid of crate training, but when used properly, the crate can be a safe haven for your dog. In addition to the crate, a Thunder Shirt, and some modification on both you and your pet’s part, some medication may be necessary as a bridge to improved behavior.
After you meet with your veterinarian to rule out medical problems, they should be able to sit down with you and develop a more specific plan for your pet’s needs or they should be able to at least direct you to someone who can.
I wish you the best of luck as I know these behavior cases can be an uphill battle.
Dr. Ryan Llera
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