How long can a cat be on a lysine supplement such as a Viralys to treat recurrent upper respiratory infections?

Original Question: How long can my 8-year-old cat stay on Viralys gel? I am currently using it to treat upper respiratory infection that she gets every once in a while. She is a rescue cat. Can I continue to use it as a supplement? - Virginia

How long can a cat be on a lysine supplement such as a Viralys to treat recurrent upper respiratory infections? Mar 5, 2018

Hi Virgina,

Viralys (and its counterpart Enisyl paste) are lysine supplements often used in cats that have recurring upper respiratory infections that typically are thought to have an underlying viral condition.  As it is an amino acid and to some extent natural, there are essentially no side effects, interactions, or monitoring involved.  It is best used as a long-term supplement plus many cats I know enjoy it as a treat!

All the best.

Dr. Ryan Llera

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