I have an aggressive kitten attacking the mother cat. How can we get this to stop?

Original Question: We have a mother cat and her 4 male kittens. Until a week ago they all got along great. Suddenly, one of the babies starting attacking his mother for no apparent reason. It is persistent and mean. He is not sick or injured and is fine with his siblings. They are all indoor cats. - Chuck

I have an aggressive kitten attacking the mother cat. How can we get this to stop? Dec 21, 2018

Hi Chuck,

Congrats on the baby kittens! It’s hard to say without knowing the age of the kittens as well as what kind of environment and interactions they are having. Could the aggression be mistaken for play? Is there competition for food or attention from mom (this may be more attention seeking behaviour)?  It would be reasonable to have an examination done to make sure there are no internal problems that are not visible to you at home.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Ryan Llera

I have an aggressive kitten attacking the mother cat. How can we get this to stop?
Article Name
I have an aggressive kitten attacking the mother cat. How can we get this to stop?
It's hard to say without knowing the age of the kittens as well as what kind of environment and interactions they are having. Could the aggression be mistaken for play? Is there competition for food or attention from mom (this may be more attention seeking behaviour)?
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Healthcare for Pets
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