Does a natural dewormer for cats work?

Original Question: I am concerned about my cat which I adopted from my niece. She has worms and was not told about it. I see them coming out of her bum. I bought a natural dewormer product back in October 2015. I have been following the directions but she still has worms coming out. Can you recommend something? As of right now I cannot afford a vet bill. Other than the worms, she eats well and is very healthy. Thank you. - Barbara

Does a natural dewormer for cats work? Mar 1, 2018

Hi Barbara,

As much as I like to recommend a natural way to deworm a cat before prescription medication, I will often see these fail unfortunately.

You could call the manufacturer and ask them what kind of treatment trials they performed, how many subjects they used, and what the success rate of the product was. Maybe they’ll offer money back if it has failed or maybe they have a suggestion on how best to use it for maximum success.

If it still doesn’t resolve the problem, then I recommend you speak to your veterinarian about a medication that is effective. I know it feels better and is healthier to use a natural cat dewormer, but unfortunately, there are cases where a prescription medication is necessary to resolve the problem. Keep in mind that anti-parasitic medication tends to be extremely safe and carries very low risk of side effects.

I hope this helps! Good luck.

Dr. Clayton Greenway

Does a natural dewormer for cats work?
Article Name
Does a natural dewormer for cats work?
As much as I like to recommend a natural way to deworm a cat before prescription medication, I will often see these fail unfortunately. You could call the manufacturer and ask them what kind of treatment trials they performed, how many subjects they used, and what the success rate of the product was.
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Healthcare for Pets
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