Can I give my dog the canine parvovirus vaccine after they were exposed to the virus?

Original Question: My dog pepperoni has never been vaccinated and was exposed to parvovirus a week ago today. He is not sick, showing no signs or symptoms of parvovirus at all. I bought him Canine Spectra 10 vaccination but haven't given it to him yet. I want to know if it’s safe to give him the vaccination considering he's never been vaccinated and his recent exposure to parvo? Please let me know ASAP. If not what kind of vaccination shall I start him off with? - Renae

Can I give my dog the canine parvovirus vaccine after they were exposed to the virus? Dec 21, 2018

Hi Renae,

I’m sorry to hear your dog was exposed to parvovirus. I have not personally used the Spectra 10 but I would be concerned about using it with that many antigens present and potential immunosuppression due to the modified live component of the vaccine.  I would recommend a visit to a veterinarian to have a parvo test done prior to vaccination and utilize their expertise in terms of using a trusted and safe vaccine they are familiar with.

Best of luck,

Dr. Ryan Llera

Can I give my dog the canine parvovirus vaccine after they were exposed to the virus?
Article Name
Can I give my dog the canine parvovirus vaccine after they were exposed to the virus?
I have not personally used the Spectra 10 but I would be concerned about using it with that many antigens present and potential immunosuppression due to the modified live component of the vaccine.
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Healthcare for Pets
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