Can I give my dog rabies shots myself?

Original Question: If I use the Nobivac 1-Rabies vaccine, how much would I give her? - Ginny

Can I give my dog rabies shots myself? Jan 28, 2019

Hi Ginny,

Thanks for your question.

So the rabies vaccine dose does not vary based on patient size, unlike most other drugs. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a big dog or a tiny teacup breed, the vaccine dose remains the same. Whenever a vaccination is given, the whole vial should be administered as per the manufacturer’s label descriptions. I would strongly encourage you to consult your vet for a clinical examination of your dog to make sure she is healthy enough for vaccination.

I understand that in some parts of the world vaccines can be sold to the general public but vaccinating your dog yourself has its disadvantages. By having your vet administer the vaccine it will mean that it has been transported, stored, and handled appropriately so that you can be sure that it will still work. Vaccines are very sensitive so if they are warmed up or handled improperly, they can become completely ineffective. So this is definitely something to consider.

I hope this helps.

Dr. Alex Avery

Can I give my dog rabies shots myself?
Article Name
Can I give my dog rabies shots myself?
Whenever a vaccination is given, the whole vial should be administered as per the manufacturer's label descriptions. I would strongly encourage you to consult your vet for a clinical examination of your dog to make sure she is healthy enough for vaccination.
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Healthcare for Pets
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