My dogs are stressed due to our home renovations. What should we do?

Original Question: We have 2 dogs named JD and Sophie. We're currently undergoing some renovations and JD is starting to get extremely stressed to the point that he has made some aggressive movements towards Sophie. The renovation has started and I don't want to stop it but I'm on the verge of doing that because of how stressed the dogs are and in turn, we are. We've looked at a Dog Camp that would board the dog for a few weeks which may be enough time to accomplish the renovations. Is there anything I can do to settle JD down and if we use the camp, do you think that is ok? Will they be alright there for a few weeks and should I have them kennelled together or apart because of the recent aggression JD has shown? Thanks for your help. You are always so kind to the people who call into your show. - Kelly

My dogs are stressed due to our home renovations. What should we do? Mar 1, 2018

Hi Kelly,

Sounds like you have your hands full!!

There is no right answer to your question. I can provide my thoughts and advice but I can’t be certain that it will be the best plan as I haven’t met these guys.

First, you should have a discussion with your vet about JD and the barking. There are good options to reduce anxiety that comes in diffuser, collar and spray form and you can also consider an anti-anxiety medication if it is well warranted.

Second, I think they should stay together. I think JD would still be anxious but at least Sophie will still be with him.

Third, I like the idea of you asking the camp as well. They will have a lot of direct experience with dogs being left there on their own or with their canine companions. They will probably have more experience with this than I do in this specific scenario.

Fourth, there is nothing you can do about the upheaval. You’ve got to live your life and if these renovations have to happen, try to just accept it. It’s clear you love your dogs and they have a great life, don’t feel guilty about it!!!

I hope this helps.

Dr. Clayton Greenway

My dogs are stressed due to our home renovations. What should we do?
Article Name
My dogs are stressed due to our home renovations. What should we do?
First, you should have a discussion with your vet about JD and the barking. There are good options to reduce anxiety that comes in diffuser, collar and spray form and you can also consider an anti-anxiety medication if it is well warranted. Second, I think they should stay together.
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