Why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden?

A dog eating grass at night

Hi there,

Veterinarians are often asked this question – why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden? If it is just occasional, it may not be a concern. Dogs explore their environment with their mouth and nose, so a little bit of grass ingestion is not cause for concern. However, if she suddenly starts seeking out grass to eat or becomes obsessive about it, this is a sign there may be a problem. Some dogs will seek out plant material when they feel nauseous or need to vomit. Others may have nutritional deficiencies, pain or stress that triggers a compulsion to eat non-food items (a condition called “pica”).

If this behaviour is occurring continuously, I would suggest a vet visit to determine if there is an underlying illness that may be causing her to feel unwell. Our pets cannot tell us when they aren’t feeling well. Sometimes these little changes in behaviour are a sign something is not right, and they need to be checked out. At 10 years old, your dog would be in the “mature” or “senior” stage of life. Screening for diseases before they become a problem at this stage in your pet’s life is always a good idea.

Best of luck!

Dr. Kimberly Hester

Article Name
Why is my dog eating grass all of a sudden?
Some dogs will seek out plant material when they feel nauseous or need to vomit. Others may have nutritional deficiencies, pain or stress that triggers a compulsion to eat non-food items (a condition called “pica”).
Publisher Name
Healthcare for Pets
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