Why do dogs scoot across the floor?

A Shih Tzu sitting its butt on the floor looking up

Hi Shannon,

Thanks for your question.

I can see how this is a very frustrating problem. There are only a couple things that could be causing. Without an examination, I’m 99% certain that this is due to impacted anal glands since this is the hallmark sign. Butt scooting in dogs usually happens when their anal glands are impacted. Anal glands are located on either side of the anus. When a firm bowel movement comes out, it puts pressure on the anal glands and expresses them physically. When this doesn’t occur, the anal glands can become impacted. They can start to irritate the dog and they will often rub their bum on the ground or try to lick at it often. The anal glands can also leak so there can be a pretty unsettling odour that comes with it. I recommend you visit your veterinarian to have them examined and ‘expressed’. This could be the source of the problem.

During that visit, a thorough examination of the hind area can be performed. It’s possible that a wound is present that is bothering your dog. They can also grow perianal tumours that can irritate them. A urinary tract infection may be present that could cause an irritation in the area and some urine tests (a urinalysis with a culture and sensitivity) could be considered. Allergies also have to be considered as well along with a skin infection or skin parasites.

I think anal gland impaction fits this description the best but consulting your veterinarian and letting them perform an examination should get you a little further ahead on a diagnosis.

Good luck.

Dr. Clayton Greenway

Article Name
Why do dogs scoot across the floor?
I can see how this is a very frustrating problem. There are only a couple things that could be causing. Without an examination, I'm 99% certain that this is due to impacted anal glands since this is the hallmark sign. Butt scooting in dogs usually happens when their anal glands are impacted.
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Healthcare for Pets
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