What can I do for my dog’s itchy skin?

A Hovawart dog scratching their head

Hi Joyce,

Thanks for your question.

Sorry to hear that you’re dealing with this frustrating problem.

The fact that you have been working with a dermatologist means that you must have done all of the cursory diagnostics. This is someone who is much more qualified and experienced than I am in treating skin disorders so it would be odd if I were able to direct you in a positive way that they haven’t already tried. However, I have had success with similar cases that have previously been seen by a dermatologist so you never know.

I would first assume you have been through the standard tests such as skin scrapings, tape preparations for yeast, reviewed a thorough diet history, attempted elimination diet trials, possibly been through a biopsy, and possibly allergy testing. I assume you have tried treatments such as topical omega 3 for dogs, omega 3 fatty acid supplements, trials on the recently licensed anti-itch and anti-allergy medications, antibiotic trials, shampoos, etc. If any of these diagnostics or treatments have not been attempted, then you could speak to your dermatologist about it.

The one idea I would alert you to is the role a bacterial infection skin infection in dogs could be playing. It is common to find a secondary bacterial infection present and it can actually be creating a larger problem than the allergies. We’ve recently found many bacterial skin infections that are resistant to the more common antibiotics. This is sometimes overlooked and what is more important in your case is the fact that Cushing’s disease might be present. This condition will reduce the immune system’s ability to fight infection and may be preventing a positive response. My recommendation is to determine whether Cushing’s disease is indeed present or not first. At the same time, I would recommend that you perform a skin culture and sensitivity test. This is where a swab is taken of the surface bacteria and it is grown in the lab to identify it and indicate which antibiotics will be successful in eliminating it. It is not a commonly run test and could result in the answer you’re looking for. The impact of the Cushing’s disease could also be eliminated through treatment and may help resolve the problem.

I hope some of this helps. Good luck.

Dr Clayton Greenway

Article Name
What can I do for my dog's itchy skin?
I want to alert you to the role a bacterial infection skin infection in dogs could be playing here. It is common to find a secondary bacterial infection present and it can actually be creating a larger problem than the allergies.
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Healthcare for Pets
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